The cabin at Truady's that we called home for the night. |
This is what happens when Aaron doesn't have his Mt. Dew! |
What a beautiful view of God's creation! |
We saw some beautiful waterfalls! |
Tara jumping off the waterfall. (Don't worry, J and J, I didn't let Alyssa jump! |
We had smores and a time of sharing Saturday night. |
We started Sunday morning with a worship service. |
A view from top of the Inca ruins. |
Here is our awesome team! |
Here is our fabulous guide at the Inca ruins, Moses, aka Bill! |
The Inca ruins. |
Well, we couldn't blog last night because we didn't take the computer to Samaipata. I think that was God's plan, as we spent time with him and among his great creation, the Andes Mountains. We had an awesome Saturday. After we found our bunks at the cabin, we went to see some waterfalls. WOW! I am always blown away by what God creates. After a return to the cabin, we had smores and decided to share some of the trip. We shared for over an hour on what we had seen God do while we were here.
Sunday morning we started the day with a church service. Aaron led the music, then Lee led the devotion. He had us go outside and simply listen to God. Although he said come back in about 10 minutes, it was a good 20 minutes before we were all back together. Just hearing how God spoke to many different people during that time was amazing. When we close our own mouths and open our ears and hearts to what God wants to tell us we can learn a lot!
That afternoon we headed to the Inca ruins. Bill was the best guide as he took us thru the ruins and told us all about it. We learned a lot, but also got the most breath taking views while we were there. Again, God is the master creator. We then traveled back to the GATHER and packed up so we are ready to leave at 5:30 am to head back to the states.
We all have learned a lot on this trip. Our team has gotten along very well and I hope we have listened to God and answered His call, no matter what the situation was. We come here hoping to touch lives, but we always go away more touched I believe. The people of Bolivia, the missionaries, the kids at Talita Cumi and everyone who works with them are so welcoming and loving. Lee has challenged us to see God this week and make note of it. I know we all have seen God in the people we have come in contact with during this amazing trip.
PLEASE keep the people here in your prayers. Also, if you have been looking for a good cause to invest in, talk to us about Talita Cumi. You wouldn't believe what sponsoring a child here, or making a donation, does. We have so much in the US! Pray specifically for Talita Cumi (and everyone associated with it), Noel Kempf (the Christian school the kids attend), Santa Cruz Christian Learning Center (where the Friesen's taught and attended school), the church where the kids go, the GATHER and Bill and Heidi. We have seen first hand what the power of prayer does while we have been on this journey. Praying doesn't cost anything except some time, and the reward is priceless.
Thank you to all who have supported us in anyway! It has been greatly received and appreciated. We will see you all soon!
David Ediger and Team Bolivia 2013